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Application rates:
New garden beds for vegetables, flowers, lawns, and native plants.​
3 - 5 kg per square metre (unimproved sandy soils will benefit from higher application rates)
Add a high quality matured compost as well (5-10 kg per square metre)
Spread clay and compost onto surface of soil and mix into top 15-25 cm manually or using a rotary hoe
Established gardens, trees, and lawns.
1-2 kg per square metre: apply 500 g per square metre, 2–4 times over several weeks
Add a high qualtiy matured compost, 2-5 kg per square metre.
Establishing new vegetable and flower beds, lawns, pot plants and soil mixes:
Spread dry bentonite granules across the soil surface
Apply compost or manure as desired
Work the bentonite and compost through the root zone to a depth of 25 cm.
Establishing a native plant garden:
Spread dry bentonite granules across the soil surface
Work the bentonite and compost through the soil to a depth of 25 cm
Apply mulch.
Info sourced from Water Wise Gardens

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