Slater, Slug and Snail Traps
Next time you have your young seedlings eaten off at there base by a Slater don't get angry get even.
Go to the fridge and get some plain yogurt/sour cream (an out of date one in a container is great).
Dig a hole in the garden were you are going to plant your seedlings and put the container in the hole (to soil level).
Half fill the container with hot water and sit back and over the next couple of days the slaters are attracted by the cultures in the yogurt/sour cream were they fall in the container and drown.
If you have a dog, it might be attracted by the brew so just put some chook wire over the top to keep them out, because it can stink if they get to it but is harmless if they do.

Start with adding two table spoons of sour cream or plain yoghurt in a container in the ground and at the surface level.

Add some warm water just near the top

Give it a good stir to activate the cultures

Leave this for at least a week, stirring every now and then

After a week or two, tip it out and check out how many you have caught. If you have hundreds then reset it
After you have tipped it out and you are knocked out by the smell, just cover it with some soil
Now you are ready to plant your seeds or seedlings knowing that you have reduced the population to a more manageable balance. Always remember that Nature has put these so-called pests on the Earth for a reason and when they grow to large numbers, sometimes we just need to give Her a hand to keep the balance.