What's in our Compost?
It's easy to just go out there and buy some soil for your garden but what are you getting?,what's in it? ,is it suitable for W.A. soils?.
These are the questions you have to ask yourself especially if your doing a Veggie patch, because your going to eat it & even feed your family on it, so you want to give them the best nutrient value you can.
Like they say "you are what you eat" and it's no different with your soil, after all your veggies can only pass that on if it's available to them.
Diversity of ingredients in our Organic Compost is the way we achieve this.
At Eureka Organic Compost we support our local businesses by sourcing our ingredients and utilising the bi-products from our local area or we grow it on the property, that means a very low carbon foot print and thus offering a recycling solution to what would otherwise be wasted .
At Eureka we don't hide our ingredients because we are proud of our product.
We don't use any chemicals in the production of our Organic Compost and we want you to know what you are buying.
Below is a list of our ingredients for you to see,
" Note some ingredients are seasonal "
eg; Grass clippings
Leaves/Tree prunings
Shredded paper
Vegie scraps
Coffee grinds
Herbs eg;
Comfrey, Tansy, Yarrow, European Dandelion, Nasturtium
Rock Dusts eg;
Granite, Gypsum, Calcium, Magnesium, Basalt, Swan Valley loam
Fruit waste
Hard wood Sawdust
Blood'n'Bone, Seaweed and Chicken manure pellets
Liquid Manures eg;
Sheep, Cow, Fish, Worm tea, Sea weed and lactobacillus acidophilus
No Added Sand
Plant scraps, herbs, Veggies and weeds out of our garden
and a lot of LOVE.
"Note" we are not certified Organic as we could not source the diverse range of ingredients for our Compost and would be limited to just a few ingredients which would be Straw and Chook or Pig manure etc....At Eureka we are unique in our diversity of ingredients and believe this is what makes a good Compost. We have been growing our gardens organically for 25 years and at anytime during open hours you can come down and check out the health in our plants and life in our garden.
We also offer free advice and tips so you can also experience success in your garden.